Need seed funding to work on any of these? Fundraise by creating a project!
- Altruistic contributionEffective Altruism
$100.000: The Truman Prize
· Active - Altruistic contributionEffective AltruismLessWrong
- Effective AltruismLessWrong
- Altruistic contributionEffective AltruismLessWrong
- Altruistic contributionEffective AltruismLessWrong
- Altruistic contributionEffective AltruismLessWrong
- Other type of bounty
- Altruistic contributionEffective Altruism
- Altruistic contributionEffective AltruismLessWrong
- Altruistic contributionEffective AltruismLessWrong
- Other field of prizeEffective AltruismLessWrong
$500: Aligned Objectives Prize
· Active - Altruistic contributionEffective AltruismLessWrong
- Altruistic contributionEffective AltruismLessWrong
- Altruistic contributionEffective Altruism
- Altruistic contributionEffective AltruismLessWrong
$200: Create a Squiggle Calculator
· Active - Other type of bounty