Rethink Priorities

Janique Behman
 Accepting donations
37 donations
Support score: 214OrganizationField-building AI governanceCompute governanceAI safetyGlobal priorities research

Rethink Priorities has an AI Governance and Strategy (AIGS) team as well as an Existential Security Team (XST).

The AIGS team works to reduce catastrophic risks related to AI by conducting research and strengthening the field of AI governance. We aim to bridge the technical and policy worlds, and we now focus on short, rapid-turnaround outputs and briefings. Our four key workstreams are compute governance, China and international governance, lab governance, and AI regulations. See also the team’s two-pager, and the linked overviews of each workstream.

XST’s mission is to cultivate a thriving ecosystem of entrepreneurship tackling existential risk. We uncover and develop the most promising project ideas, join forces with extraordinary founders, and provide exceptional support to projects that help guide civilization towards existential security. See also the team’s two-pager.