Good Ancestors Policy

Greg Sadler
 Accepting donations
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Support score: 0Field-building AI governanceAI safetyBiosecurityInstitutional decision-makingInternational development

At Good Ancestors Policy, we advocate for Australian-specific policies aimed at solving this century’s most challenging problems. We develop policy, engage directly with senior decision-makers, and support communities and individuals across Australia to raise their voices in a way that is coordinated and strategic.

At Good Ancestors, we think that middle powers like Australia are important targets for coordinated advocacy efforts. Through middle-power diplomacy and national security alliances, countries like Australia influence international decision-makers on issues such as global security and emerging technology. Australian policies also matter in their own right. Australia has a significant economy, controls a large portion of the earth's surface and resources, operates a world-renowned educational system, and could even have outsized importance to human survival in a global catastrophe.

We know that effective advocacy in countries like Australia is achievable. While great powers may have significant influence, they are also routinely the target of a large volume of well-funded advocacy efforts. Working across a range of cause areas - including catastrophic disasters, nuclear war, food security, pandemic prevention, AI safety and systemic reform - we have achieved a tangible impact with minimal expenditure. This includes securing meetings with senior officials, mobilising hundreds of members of the community on a range of opportunities, and achieving actual changes on high-impact laws and policies.

Our funding goals are humble. We think we can maintain the organisation on approximately $130k USD per year or grow the organisation at larger funding levels. A small donor can make a big difference to whether this work continues. We'd be particuarlly exciting about expanding our model into other middle powers. You can read more about our work or reach out to us at