Fully "Solve" Thinking Physics (and write a post about it)
Pursuing Challenge III described in this post (I am not the author of that post): https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/PiPH4gkcMuvLALymK/exercise-solve-thinking-physics
Donations would send me a signal that people are interested in this and would push me over the hump of turning my notes into a post. Would boost my priority for this project compared to more legibly AI alignment relevant upskilling, like going through ARENA's curriculum. Motivating amounts of Money would be up to ~$500, so I cover parts of my rent with this project.
Personally, I found this exercise really fun, it seemed to revive some intellectual curiosity that was previously killed by some university classes. I also feel like I experienced some transfer to how I approach problems when working on my thesis/life in general.
Also see my comment on that post: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/PiPH4gkcMuvLALymK/?commentId=fDKpFR9HEoNDc8Hhs#JnfXv68BFS2B55Z2b
I will probably go through large parts of the book anyway. I went through ~25-30 of the questions so far. I am planning to spend on average 25m-1h per question. I might decide to stop early if I feel strong diminishing returns kicking in. The book has ~200-250 questions, so this might take 100–200 hours. I am probably not going to spend more than 2–3 hours on these per day, so this will take at least 2–3 months (currently mostly worked on them during evenings after working on my thesis).
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