Forethought Foundation for Global Priorities Research

 Accepting donations
1 donations
Support score: 0OrganizationGlobal priorities research

The Forethought Foundation is especially interested in the idea that the primary determinant of the value of our actions today is how those actions influence the very long-run future. It believes that by making the right decisions today, humanity has the opportunity to positively steer civilisation’s trajectory for thousands of years to come.

To this end, the Forethought Foundation is interested in supporting excellent research that:

  • Defends or criticises the idea that we should primarily care about the very long-run impact of our actions.
  • Works out the implications of a long-term view for our decisions today.
  • Is of importance for the long-run future of civilisation, even if the research is not directly about the idea of long-term impact.

It supports such research through scholarships and fellowships to students in global priorities research, as well as research grants and prizes for established scholars.

The Forethought Foundation is a project of Effective Ventures (as is Giving What We Can — see our transparency page), and works in close collaboration with the Global Priorities Institute at Oxford University.

[This project was created by the GiveWiki team. Please visit the website of the organization for more information on their work.]