AI X-risk Research Podcast

 Accepting donations
2 donations
Support score: 13

On this podcast, I (Daniel Filan) have conversations with researchers about their papers. We discuss the paper and hopefully get a sense of why it’s been written and how it might reduce the risk of artificial intelligence causing an existential catastrophe: that is, permanently and drastically curtailing humanity’s future potential.

This podcast launched in December 2020. Finan Adamson edited the podcast between February 2021 and February 2022, and remains the audio consultant. Starting in March 2022, editing is done by Jack Garrett. As of August 2022, Amber Dawn Ace helps with transcription.

You can subscribe to AXRP by searching for it in your favourite podcast provider. To receive transcripts, you can subscribe to this website’s RSS feed. You can also follow AXRP on twitter at @AXRPodcast.

If you like AXRP, you might like its sister podcast, The Filan Cabinet, where I interview people about a wide range of topics I’m interested in.

[This project was created by the GiveWiki team. Please visit the website of the organization for more information on their work.]