Riesgos Catastróficos Globales: GCR policy work in Spanish

Juan García Martínez
 Accepting donations
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RCG spearheads and supports research and policy co-creation efforts in Spanish-speaking countries to take mitigating action against global catastrophic risks, including: nuclear winter, biosecurity and artificial intelligence.
We aim to benefit humanity’s long-term prospects through work to reduce the risk that global and existential catastrophes take place or originate in Spanish-speaking countries. We seek to achieve this through the translation of scientific evidence and expert advice into policies co-created by working with GCR / X-risk experts and Spanish-speaking government stakeholders. Two examples of this method follow:

Through collaboration with ALLFED and other experts we have created a report on policies to increase resilience to nuclear winter in the most high-potential region (Argentina), thus increasing the chance of an adequate response in the Latin-American region to reduce the risk of civilizational collapse. These have been presented to Argentina government risk management officials, and through continuous engagement we seek to have them implemented.
Through collaboration with experts from various organizations (e.g. GovAI, FHI, CSER), we are collating a set of policies into a report to be used as the starting point for stakeholder engagement in the most high-potential region (Spain, due to the European AI policy Sandbox). We will soon be presenting this to key government stakeholders, with the ultimate aim to influence policies implemented during the sandbox period, which could affect the European Union, and potentially the world through the Brussels effect.

Current plan:
Creation of six deliverables of two types: A) a report on policy recommendations based on expert advice from the fields of GCR and X-risk, and B) a network of experts and government stakeholders as a form of science-policy interface. These two outputs would be created for each of our three risk priority areas: 1) global catastrophic food shocks from e.g. nuclear winter or volcanic winter (a draft is out and we want to polish it), 2) biorisk from e.g. natural and engineered pandemics, 3) risks from advanced artificial intelligence. In addition, we would run a policy co-creation workshop involving GCR / X-risk experts and government stakeholders for the most promising out of the 3 lines of work.