The Centre for Long-Term Resilience

 Accepting donations
6 donations
Support score: 0OrganizationAI governanceBiosecurityMetascience

‌CLTR is an independent think tank with a mission to transform global resilience to extreme risks. We do this by working with governments and other institutions to improve relevant governance, processes, and decision making. We are based in the heart of Whitehall at Public Hall.

Extreme Risks

Extreme risks are high impact threats with global reach. They have the potential to devastate lives and economies around the world.

While Covid-19 demonstrates the impact that extreme risks can have, we are likely to face greater risks within our lifetimes. Threats from misuse of biotechnology or powerful AI systems would likely be even more destructive, and we are even less well prepared for them.

The UK Government, alongside other organisations, has made substantial progress in building resilience in the wake of Covid-19. But much more needs to be done.

By making relatively small and inexpensive changes, we can reduce the likelihood of extreme events occurring, and transform our ability to respond if they do.

We think of building resilience to extreme risks as an insurance policy — for the UK and the wider world.

[This project was created by the GiveWiki team. Please visit the website of the organization for more information on their work.]