Universal AI Safety Protocol (UASP) - A decentralized, adaptive system for monitoring, managing, and ensuring AI safety globally across industries.

0% funded
100% needed this quarter
Johnstone Gikenye
 Accepting donations
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Universal AI Safety Protocol (UASP) 🌐

Pioneering global standards for AI safety and ethics
Developing cutting-edge solutions for transparent, accountable AI

1. What is the action that this project is about? What is the goal?

The Universal AI Safety Protocol (UASP) is a comprehensive initiative aimed at establishing a global infrastructure to ensure the safety and ethical use of artificial intelligence (AI). Our primary goal is to develop and deploy a robust framework that includes real-time monitoring, adaptive safety protocols, and ethical certification for AI systems. This framework will help prevent potential risks, ensure transparency, and foster public trust in AI technologies.

2. What are your funding targets and stretch goals?

  • Quarterly Funding Target: $200,000 USD

    • Research and Development: $80,000
    • Infrastructure and Technology: $50,000
    • Community Engagement and Partnerships: $30,000
    • Outreach and Education: $20,000
    • Administrative Costs: $20,000
  • Stretch Goals:

    • $250,000 USD: Enhanced development of advanced AI monitoring tools and crisis intervention systems.
    • $300,000 USD: Expansion of the AI Safety Commons (AISC) platform and increased outreach efforts for global engagement.

3. Once you have already completed it, where can supporters see proof of it?

Supporters will be able to see proof of UASP's progress and achievements through various channels:

  • Website: Detailed project updates, reports, and milestones will be published on our official website.
  • Portfolio: Documentation of completed components, such as AIWN and AASP, will be showcased in our project portfolio.
  • Social Media: Regular updates, success stories, and case studies will be shared on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and GitHub.
  • Whitepapers and Reports: Comprehensive reports and whitepapers will be made available, detailing the development process, outcomes, and impact of the project.

4. Might someone feel that the action is morally bad or against their values?

UASP is designed with a strong focus on ethical considerations and public safety. Our project aims to address the potential risks of AI in a proactive and responsible manner. We adhere to high ethical standards and ensure transparency in our processes. However, we recognize that opinions on AI and its applications can vary. We are committed to engaging with diverse stakeholders and addressing any ethical concerns through open dialogue and continuous improvement.

5. Was there ever a risk that the action might be harmful?

While the development of UASP aims to mitigate risks associated with AI, we acknowledge that any technology can present potential challenges. To address these concerns, we have implemented rigorous safety measures, including:

  • Continuous Testing: Regular testing and evaluation of our systems to identify and address potential vulnerabilities.
  • Ethical Oversight: Collaboration with ethics experts to ensure that our protocols adhere to the highest ethical standards.
  • Crisis Management: Development of an emergency response system to handle any unforeseen issues promptly.

By focusing on transparency, adaptability, and ethical compliance, we aim to minimize risks and ensure that UASP contributes positively to the field of AI.

6. Who are all collaborators and how much have they each contributed?

UASP involves collaboration with a diverse group of experts and organizations:

  • Development Team: Engineers and researchers specializing in AI, machine learning, and blockchain technology, contributing to the design and implementation of the AI Watchdog Network (AIWN) and Adaptive AI Safety Protocol (AASP).
  • Ethics Advisors: Professionals from academia and industry who provide guidance on ethical standards and certification processes.
  • Technology Partners: Companies and organizations that support the infrastructure and technology needs of UASP.
  • Community Stakeholders: Advocacy groups and policymakers who collaborate on setting global standards and promoting AI safety.

Each collaborator brings unique expertise and resources to the project, significantly contributing to its success and development.

7. Is this a submission to any particular contests?

UASP is not currently submitted to any specific contests. However, we are actively seeking opportunities to present our work at conferences, industry events, and grant competitions. Our goal is to raise awareness about UASP, engage with potential supporters and partners, and showcase our progress in the AI safety and ethics domains.

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